September 24, 2009

"The most neutral eye and the most biased are merely sophisticated in different ways. Differ not in how much, but in how they interpret."

-Nelson Goodman, Languages Of Art (1976)

Responding to "The innocent eye is blind and the virgin mind empty".

Stephanie's Umbrella Sense Video Playlist

Video research I have compiled forming an amorphous concept for my Manifesto. What is the ether of "Umbrella Sense"?

Particularly I would like to share the following Knirps Umbrella Commercial.
I find it very disorienting.

View full playlist HERE.

August 15, 2009


Aaron, Chris, and Stephanie are collaborating on what might be called an anti-group. We call this "Umbrella Sense".

Details at this point are unclear, but certainly guided by optimism. Manifestos are in the works from the three of us. Once refined will be posted HERE, in a format of text, image, video, or a collage of what is etc-etc.

These will cover a multiple goals.